. Incase there is an order cancellation, please do so before it is shipped.
. Estimated delivery times depend on the shipping method selected and the destination.
Domestic orders typically arrive within 3-7 business days after shipment.
International orders may take longer, varying between 7-21 business days.
. You can request an exchange within 2 Days of receiving the product in case of damage on delivery.
. If you receive any defective product, do contact us immediately by mailing and Whatsapp us at chitraindustries1234@gmail.com, +91-8810519563 with your Order ID and send us a snapshot of the defect.
. Kindly ensure the product is in its original condition with all packaging / tags attached. We will arrange for a courier to pick up the product from your home. Customized products are not eligible for return.
. The product should have the original packaging and tags in place. Items without the original tags will not be accepted.
. No return and exchange request would be accepted if the return/exchange request is raised after 2 days of receiving the shipment. Incase of exceptional cases please write to us at chitraindustries1234@gmail.com
. You would be notified by us , once we receive your shipment.
. If you need any alterations, the alteration charges would have to be borne by the customer.
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